
Vulvar Cancer

Vulvar cancer is a rare but serious disease that affects women worldwide. It can be a daunting diagnosis to receive, but with the right information and treatment, it's possible to overcome this condition. If you're looking for answers about vulvar cancer, you've come to the right place! In this blog post, we'll explore what vulvar cancer is, its different types and symptoms, and what causes and risk factors increase your chances of developing it. Additionally, we'll delve into the various available treatment options while also exploring prevention strategies to help reduce your risk of developing vulvar cancer in the future. Dr. Ankita Jain is one of the best vulvar cancer doctors in Dwarka.

What is vulvar cancer?



Vulvar cancer is a type of cancer that affects the vulva, which is the external part of a woman's genitalia. The vulva includes the clitoris, labia minora and majora, vaginal opening, and perineum. Vulvar cancer occurs when cells in this area start to grow abnormally and form tumors.


There are different types of vulvar cancer, with squamous cell carcinoma being the most common, accounting for around 90% of all cases. Other less common types include adenocarcinoma (which forms in glandular tissue), melanoma (which starts in pigment-producing cells), and sarcoma (which develops from connective tissues).


The symptoms of vulvar cancer can vary depending on its location and severity. Some women may experience itching or burning sensations, while others may have pain or bleeding during sex or urination. It's important to note that many other conditions, such as infections, can cause these same symptoms; thus, consulting your doctor if you notice any changes in your vulva would be prudent.


While it’s not yet clear what causes vulvar cancer, some studies suggest that HPV infection might play a role since it's found frequently among women diagnosed with this condition.

Understanding vulvar cancer is essential for early detection. Should anything feel off about your body down there, consult your doctor immediately so they can evaluate any potential issues.


The different types of vulvar cancer



There are various types of vulvar cancer, each with its own unique characteristics and risk factors. The most common type is known as squamous cell carcinoma, which accounts for 90% of all cases. This type of cancer develops in the thin, flat cells that line the surface of the vulva.

Another less common form of vulvar cancer is adenocarcinoma. Unlike squamous cell carcinoma, this type develops in glandular cells that produce mucus or other bodily fluids.


Verrucous carcinoma is another rare subtype of vulvar cancer that typically appears as a slow-growing, wart-like growth on the skin's surface. It tends to be less aggressive than other forms but can still spread to nearby tissues if left untreated.


Melanoma is a very uncommon form of vulvar cancer that originates in pigment-producing cells called melanocytes. This type often appears as a dark mole or lesion on the skin's surface and has a higher likelihood of spreading to distant sites like lymph nodes and organs.

It's essential to note that early detection and diagnosis are crucial for successful treatment outcomes, regardless of the specific subtype involved.


Symptoms of vulvar cancer



Symptoms of vulvar cancer can be difficult to detect in the early stages because they may not cause any noticeable changes or discomfort. However, as the disease progresses, women may experience a range of symptoms that could signal something is wrong.


One common symptom is itching or burning around the vulva area that doesn't go away with over-the-counter remedies. Other symptoms include changes in skin color or thickness, lumps or bumps on the vulva, and bleeding during intercourse or after menopause.

In some cases, there may also be pain when urinating or having sex. Women who notice any unusual growths or sores should seek medical attention immediately.


It's important to note that experiencing these symptoms does not necessarily mean a woman has vulvar cancer - many other conditions can cause similar effects. Still, it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional if you have concerns about your health.

Being aware of potential signs and talking openly with your doctor about them can help ensure early detection and successful treatment, if necessary.


Causes of vulvar cancer



The exact cause of vulvar cancer is unknown, but certain factors can increase a woman's risk of developing the disease. One of the primary causes is human papillomavirus (HPV), which is a common sexually transmitted infection that can lead to abnormal cell changes in the cervix and other genital areas.


Other potential causes include smoking, chronic skin conditions such as lichen sclerosus or squamous hyperplasia, and exposure to chemicals such as those found in douches or feminine hygiene products.

Furthermore, women who have previously had cervical cancer may also be at increased risk of developing vulvar cancer due to shared risk factors between both types of cancer. Women with weakened immune systems due to HIV/AIDS or organ transplantation are also at higher risk of developing vulvar cancer.


It's important to note that not all cases of vulvar cancer have an identifiable cause, making prevention difficult. However, practicing safe sex by using condoms and getting vaccinated against HPV can help reduce one's chances of contracting this virus and potentially developing vulvar cancer.


Risk factors for vulvar cancer


There are several risk factors that can increase a person's chances of developing vulvar cancer. One of the primary risk factors is age, as most cases occur in women over the age of 50. However, it can also affect younger women and even some men.


Another significant risk factor for vulvar cancer is human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Certain strains of this virus have been linked to an increased risk of developing cervical and other cancers, including vulvar cancer.


Other potential risk factors include smoking, long-term use of oral contraceptives, a weakened immune system due to conditions such as HIV/AIDS or organ transplantation, and a history of precancerous or cancerous lesions on the cervix or vagina.


It's essential to note that having one or more risk factors does not necessarily mean someone will develop vulvar cancer. Still, it's important to be aware of these risks and take steps to reduce them where possible by maintaining good health habits like quitting smoking if applicable and practicing safe sex with regular check-ups from your doctor.


Treatment options for vulvar cancer


Vulvar cancer treatment options depend on various factors, including the stage and type of cancer. The primary treatment for vulvar cancer is surgery, which involves removing all or part of the vulva affected by cancer.


Radiation therapy may be used alone or in combination with surgery to treat advanced-stage vulvar cancers. It uses high-energy X-rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Chemotherapy can also be used in conjunction with radiation therapy or surgery during the advanced stages of the disease.

Immunotherapy is an emerging option that allows a patient's immune system to fight against cancer cells. This approach has shown promising results but is still being extensively studied.


Palliative care can help manage symptoms like pain and discomfort caused by vulvar cancer. It aims at improving the overall quality of life for patients who may not respond well to other treatments or are suffering from advanced-stage disease.


It’s important to note that each person's case differs, so it’s crucial to discuss your options with a qualified doctor specialising in treating vulvar cancers like Dr. Ankita Jain, one of the best vulvar cancer doctors in Dwarka, for a better diagnosis and an appropriate management plan tailored specifically for you.


Prevention of vulvar cancer


Prevention of vulvar cancer is possible by adopting healthy habits and lifestyle changes. Here are some tips that can help reduce the risk of developing vulvar cancer:


1. Practice safe sex: Using condoms during sexual intercourse reduces the risk of contracting HPV, which is a major cause of vulvar cancer.


2. Get vaccinated against HPV: The HPV vaccine can prevent several types of cancer, including vulvar cancer.


3. Maintain good hygiene: Keeping the genital area clean and dry helps prevent infections that may lead to vulvar cancer.


4. Quit smoking: Smoking increases the risk of developing several types of cancer, including vulvar cancer.


5. Eat a healthy diet: A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains provides essential nutrients that boost immunity and reduce the risk of cancer.


6. Regular screening tests: Women should undergo regular pelvic exams to check for any abnormal changes in their reproductive system.


By following these preventive measures, women can lower their chances of being affected by this type of cancer. It's important to consult with your doctor about any concerns you have regarding your health and develop an appropriate prevention plan customized for you based on your family history or other factors that may increase your risk of developing this disease.




Vulvar cancer is a serious and often overlooked health concern that affects women around the world. It's important to know that this type of cancer can be detected early, which gives patients a higher chance of successful treatment.

It's crucial for women to recognize the symptoms and risk factors of vulvar cancer so they can take appropriate steps toward prevention or early detection. With regular check-ups from an experienced doctor like Dr. Ankita Jain, vulvar cancer can be diagnosed in its earliest stages, when it is most treatable.

Remember to practice good hygiene habits, stay informed about your body, and schedule regular appointments with your healthcare provider. By staying vigilant and proactive about your health, you'll give yourself the best chance at preventing or treating any potential issues.

If you are looking for one of the best vulvar cancer doctors in Dwarka, Dr. Ankita Jain should definitely be on your list!